Teaching is a Nobel profession, which shapes the character and capacity and future of an individual, leading to building the future of the nation
Therefore a teacher is bound by many responsibilities and ethics to be brought into practice namely:
Teacher should uphold the dignity of the teaching profession.
Teacher should abide by the rules and regulations of the institution.
Teacher should be impartial, honest and fair in all his approaches.
Teacher should maintain respect of hierarchy in administration.
Teacher should be collaborative and co-operative with his colleagues.
Teacher should interact in a friendly manner with students.
Teacher should provide innovative and quality education and must be updated with recent developments.
Teacher should be a good counselor, facilitator and must lend the helping hand to the students.
He should interact responsibly with the parents and other stakeholders of the institution.
He must report to duty at least 10 minutes in advance and remain on duty during college hours.
He must maintain self discipline and restrain from any hassles with the staff, students, parents or general public.
The confidentiality of the official secrets must be maintained.
He should restrain himself from socializing through networking during the working hours.
Teacher should not misappropriate college money.
Teacher should not be on leave without official approval.
The teachers should keep vigilance on students to maintain discipline in the campus.
Code of Conduct for Non-teaching staff:
Non-teaching staff must report to duty at-least 10 minutes in advance.
They must be on duty during college working hours.
They must maintain Integrity, Objectivity, Professional competence, Confidentiality and must imbibe professional and cordial behavior with the stake holders.
They should be updated with the latest software usage in Admission, Accounting, Auditing, Establishment and any other file maintenance processes.
They should take up all measures to maintain clean and eco-friendly campus.
Code of Conduct for Administrators:
The Administrator should always be honest, fair, objective, supportive, protective for a good cause, impartial and law abiding.
He should carry himself with highest order of integrity and the leadership qualities.
He should be fair and honest with all the stakeholders of the institution.
He should act as a communicator to his higher authorities, society, staff and students
The policies and plans must be framed in advance in accordance with vision and mission of the institution in coordination with IQAC.
Awareness should be created among staff and students regarding the policies and procedures of the institution and makes all sincere efforts to enforce them.
He should work hard to promote the institution to a higher level.
Code of Conduct for students:
Students should imbibe moral & ethical values.
75% attendance to the classes is compulsory.
Wearing of Uniform with identity card is must.
Students indulging in indiscipline activities like damaging college property, bringing outsiders to the college etc. are strictly prohibited.
Acts leading to communal disharmony, discrimination among students on the basis of caste, creed and economic levels is strictly prohibited.
Ragging and Sexual Harassment is a serious punishable offence.
Eco-friendly environment maintenance is the responsibility of the students.
Students of both the sex should have a healthy and decent relationship both on and off the campus. A contradictory behavior to this spirit is punishable.
Anti Social Activities, any ill writing on the walls and black boards or anywhere in the campus is punishable.
Students are responsible for their own belongings.
Students should abide by the Code of Conduct prescribed in the college Prospectus and elaborated in the Annual Awareness Programme.